Draftmag’s editorial code of conduct and standards for content published on draftmag.com.

Our Editorial Mission

Draftmag is an independent digital media publisher centered around the world of beer, offering insights on its rich history, trends, local breweries, homebrewing, and beer styles.  

Diversity & Inclusivity 

The site is curated by a truly global team from diverse professional and academic backgrounds and interests spanning craft beer disciplines. We endeavor to provide a platform for a broad array of voices and experience levels. 

We cover numerous geographic territories, including the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia. 

Our Commitment to Integrity

Draftmag is an independent publisher committed to providing informative, accurate, and helpful content for our global audience. Writers with relevant experience or expertise in the respective topic create all editorial features published on the site. 


As part of our commitment to content integrity and accuracy, Draftmag’s team of writers and editors investigate and verify all information and data gathered for each article that is published on the site. In addition, we consult relevant and qualified sources to ensure we’re providing proper context and background to the reader.

All of our news and information is thoroughly reviewed by a staff editor and fact-checked by staff or a member of our experienced fact-checking team. We confirm all statements of fact, statistics, and other data with reputable sources to ensure that the information in our articles is accurate and up to date.

If you have noticed an issue you would like to bring to our attention, please let us know by emailing editorial@draftmag.com.

Sourcing and Citations

Our writers and editorial team adhere to strict journalistic standards for article sourcing. We rely on up-to-date and reputable sources, such as expert interviews, professional and academic institutions, and credible studies. All data points, facts, and claims are backed up by at least one credible source.

Our content strives to serve all communities and reflect diverse voices and perspectives.

Corrections or Updates to Published Content

Our editorial team is committed to producing content that’s of high quality and factually correct. If there is a factual error in a published article, we will correct it as soon as possible. All corrections will be clearly labeled as such and will include what changes were made and when, and may be updated with a specific note from the editor.

Our team of editors continually reevaluates and updates published content to ensure it is timely, accurate, and relevant. The date stamp at the top of each article reflects when it was last updated.

Draftmag is reader-supported and 100% editorially independent. Some of our articles may include links to shopping sites, products, or services chosen at the sole discretion of our editorial staff, where you can purchase an item you’ve seen. Sometimes, we may earn a commission due to a sale originating from our website. This is of no cost to the reader but does help to support our editorial independence. 

Contact Us

If you have any questions, recommendations, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you. You can reach us at: editorial@draftmag.com

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