How Many Beers To Get Drunk: Factors That Get You Buzzed

How many beers to get drunk?
The average adult man of 86 kilograms (or 190 pounds) may get drunk after having four to five beers in one hour. On the other hand, it takes three to four beers in an hour to get the average adult woman of 73 kilograms (or 160 pounds) drunk. There is a difference in how different beers can get you drunk.
This article contains a detailed explanation.
How Many Beers To Get Drunk
While there are several other variables involved, as discussed earlier, here’s how many of some of the most popular beers in the United States you need to get drunk:
– How Many Bud Lights To Get Drunk?
Bud Light has an alcohol content of five percent. So, it will take you an average of seven to eight cans (eight ounces) of Bud Light to get a 190-pound man legally drunk in an hour. It will take an average-sized woman about five to six Bud Lights (eight ounces) in one hour. For the 12-ounce bottle, a 190 pounds man will need about five Bud Lights to get drunk.
On the other hand, a 160 pounds woman will need to take four 12-ounce bottles in one hour to get drunk. These numbers take into account that such persons make proper lifestyle choices.
– How Many Coors To Get Drunk?
Although Coors has a slightly lower alcohol content of 4.2 percent, it still affects drunkenness the same way as Bud Light. A 190 pounds man will need seven to eight cans (eight ounces) of Coors to get to a BAC of 0.08 percent and above in one hour and about nine bottles in two hours. You would expect to get drunk after about five 12-ounce Coors bottles.
For women, an average of five to six Coors cans or four Coors bottles will give them that expected buzz in one hour.
– How Many Budweisers To Get Drunk?
Budweiser has five percent ABV, and the 12-ounce bottle is the most popular option. It takes an average of four Budweiser bottles in one hour to give a 190-pound man a buzz. On the other hand, a 160-pound woman will need about three Budweisers in one hour to get legally drunk.
– How Many Miller Lites to Get Drunk?
Miller Lite comes in a variety of 12 ounces, 16 ounces, and 24 ounces at 4.2 percent ABV. It will take just three to four Miller Lites in one hour to get to the legally drunk level for the average male. However, the average-sized female will need three Miller Lites in one hour.
How To Calculate the Number of Beers
The blood alcohol concentration (BAC) calculator provides a relatively straightforward means of calculating how many beers to get drunk. This measure of alcohol concentration helps you determine the average amount of alcohol in your blood. Then you have to correlate the BAC calculator results with the BAC charts to know the average beers to get drunk.

0.08 percent for those aged 21 and up. It is 0.00 percent to 0.02 percent for those under 21. This means that if your BAC is less than 0.08 percent, you are not legally “drunk.”
So, as an average man with your blood alcohol level at roughly 0.08 percent, you’ll begin to get drunk after about four to five drinks in most circumstances.
On the other hand, a woman may require three or four beers to become buzzed.
Factors That Determine the Number of Beers To Get Drunk
There are several factors that may affect your level of intoxication. These factors determine how quickly you are likely to get drunk.
They include the following:
Beer Alcohol Content
The amount of alcohol in your beer influences how many you can drink before being buzzed. Craft beers, on the whole, have higher alcohol contents and tend to have a stronger or faster effect on people than lighter commercial beers. Furthermore, light beers have a lower alcohol content than black ales.
If you choose a less strong beer, you’d have to drink more to get intoxicated. Light beer has an alcohol content of roughly four percent, while a typical commercial beer has an alcohol content of around five percent.
You tend to feel the effects of a higher ABV than with a corresponding lower one. The table below shows the average alcohol content for different beer types.
Beer Type | Average ABV |
Low Alcohol | 0.96 |
Light Lager | 4.04 |
Cream Ale | 5.27 |
Porter | 5.69 |
Pumpkin Ale | 6.83 |
However, different beer brands also have different ABVs in addition to the recipe, quality, and taste. You won’t react the same way to two dark beers from different brewing companies. The packaging volume of your beer also matters. The bigger the volume, the higher the chances of getting drunk faster.
The higher your weight, the more beer it will take to get you drunk. Lighter people tend to become intoxicated faster, sometimes after only a few drinks. On the other hand, heavier people may not feel any effects with a similar number of beers. However, you must remember the effects of 0.02 percent BAC.
Your height is another factor that can affect the number of beers to get drunk. A taller person would also need more drinks than a shorter person to feel any effects. The reason may be due to the longer circulatory system that delays the build-up of the blood alcohol content. A shorter person will have the same amount of beer distributed faster in their blood.
The effect of age on drunkenness lies in your muscle mass. Your tolerance for alcohol lowers as you get older. Although experienced drinkers can consume more beer than those trying it for the first time, the elderly are more likely to become drunk due to a loss of muscular mass. The lower a person’s muscle mass, the less alcohol-tolerant they are.
Beer tolerance is higher in men than it is in women. It has to do with muscularity and size once again. The more body area covered by alcohol, the more diluted it is and the less it affects the person. More water in the system waters down the effects of the alcohol, as does having a larger body space.
Empty Stomach
You will feel the effects of beer more quickly if you are drinking it on an empty stomach. While drinking alcohol, eating and drinking water will help slow down the intoxication rate.
Exposure to beers also plays a significant role in determining how many beers it will take to get drunk. People who are experienced in drinking beer tend to withstand more drinks without feeling tipsy as quickly as those who don’t drink beer often.
– Other Factors
Other factors that play a role in how fast beers affect you include the following:
- Mood
- Medications
- Lack of sleep
- Genetics
- Rate of consumption
Responsible Drinking: Limits and Considerations
While drinking beer can be enjoyable, it is easy to get too carried away. Therefore, it is crucial to take proper steps to stay safe. The following details will help you make better choices when it comes to drinking beer to prevent excessive intake.
– When Does Drinking Become Dangerous?
While most people are unlikely to be harmed by moderate drinking, chronic drinking or binge drinking can be risky. Problematic drinking can be in various forms, including the following:
- Binge Drinking – This refers to five beers in two hours for men and four beers in two hours for women.
- Heavy Drinking – When a man takes more than 15 or more beers weekly, or a woman takes eight or more beers weekly, it is considered heavy drinking.
- Alcohol Use Disorder – Characteristics of this include the inability to curb excessive drinking, continuing drinking despite negative effects, and requiring too much alcohol to get desired effects.
– Moderate Drinking Recommendations: How to Not Get Drunk Fast
Moderate drinking refers to two drinks daily for men and one daily for women. Following this generally works for most people. The following tips will further help you stay on a good BAC level:
- Do not drink on an empty stomach. An empty stomach causes faster absorption of alcohol into the blood. So, ensure that you eat before drinking. You can also buy some delicious meals along with your beer to slow down the rate of alcohol absorption.
- Stay hydrated. Drinking water will also slow down how fast you get drunk. So, you should drink some water before you start taking your beer. You should also have at least a full glass of water between beers.
- Drink slowly. Spacing out the times between your beers will slow the rate of getting drunk. This will give your body enough time to break down the alcohol.
- Know your limits. Plan your beer intake and stay through to it. Don’t let the pressure make you drink more than you can handle.
– How Can You Tell When You Are Drunk?
There are several levels of drunkenness with different signs to show that you are drunk.
Some of the signs include the following:
- Sobriety – Here’s the first phase of drunkenness. You won’t feel any other symptoms aside from mild relaxation. This is what you feel when you have a BAC of 0.01 to 0.05 percent. Beer aficionados consider this stage as sober.
- Blissfulness – Self-confidence rises as BAC rises from 0.08 to 0.12 percent. The person drinking the beer tends to be a little more restless and talkative. At this point, reflexes begin to slow down, and deconcentration starts to set in.
- Excitement – This is the third phase which starts from 0.10 to 0.25 percent BAC. Emotions become unstable, and they change abruptly. Other signs include slurred speech, imbalance, and nausea.
- Blurriness – Dizziness and disorientation begin from 0.20 to 0.35 percent BAC. At this phase, vision becomes blurry, and there might be disoriented walking. You may also notice a drastic reduction in pain sensitivity. Thus, the possibility of having serious injuries without feeling them increases.
- Numbness – Going above 0.35 percent BAC may lead to severe consequences. Sometimes, there may be a need for medical assistance. A person at this stage may not be able to control his needs and may not adequately respond to external stimuli. Sometimes, they may not be able to move or faint in the process.
– How Long Does Being Drunk Last?
Being drunk typically takes about six hours before the effects of being drunk wear off. It’s crucial to remember, though, that just because you don’t feel intoxicated doesn’t mean you’re not legally drunk. It is still possible to blow over the legal limit if the cops stop you.
After a night of drinking, many people still encounter DUI issues the following day. You may use the BAC calculator to figure out how long it will take you to become sober.
– How Many Non-Alcoholic Beers Will Get You Drunk?
None, the chances of getting drunk from non-alcoholic beers are very tiny, close to zero. Non-alcoholic beers are becoming more mainstream, with significant improvement in their taste and quality in recent years. Despite being termed “non-alcoholic,” they often have an ABV of 0.05 percent. This little alcohol percentage has to be present to make brewing possible.
That level of alcohol gives no chance of intoxication. Drinking such beers would be just like eating a rum gumdrop Christmas cake. While there is some alcohol present in them, your body can metabolize the alcohol at a faster rate than you are consuming it.
– How Much 3.2 Percent ABV Beers Will Get You Drunk?
A 190-pound (89 kilograms) male would need six to seven beers with a 3.2 percent ABV to get legally intoxicated in the United States. On the other hand, a woman of 160 pounds (72 kilograms) would need four to five 3.2 percent ABV beers.
It is crucial that you note that this is an average approximation, not a 100 percent correct response for everyone. This also assumes the person is healthy, over the age of 21, has had a good night’s sleep, is not tired, and is otherwise in good health.
– What Does It Mean To Get Drunk With Beer?
Being drunk with beer means your blood alcohol content (BAC) has gone over 0.08 percent. This is the legal definition of drunkenness in the United States. Understanding this is the first step to help you know how many beers it will take to become drunk. Blood alcohol content represents the amount of alcohol present in a person’s blood.
For example, a person with a BAC of 0.10 percent will have 0.10 grams of alcohol present in their blood. When a person begins to reach about 0.08 percent and above, alcohol may start to impair their functioning and motor skills. When a person reaches this stage, they begin to feel tipsy. Their mood goes upbeat, and many people believe they feel no pain.
– What Are the Factors That Contribute To Getting Drunk From One Beer?
Some factors that can buzz you off one beer include the following:
- High alcohol contents
- Bodyweight
- Diet
- Medications
- Hydration
- Sleep schedule
- Genetic factors
As mentioned earlier, your body weight significantly impacts how quickly you get drunk. Certain genetic factors may also affect your alcohol consumption. The most important ones are your ethnicity and race. The beer you choose will also have an impact since some beers have higher alcohol content than others.
- Stouts may range from low to high ABV
- Double IPAs are usually high ABV beers
- Aged beers often have higher ABVs
Therefore, it is essential to know the difference between them.

Now, you should have a good idea of the average number of beers it will take to get you drunk. Let’s have a summary of the things you should note:
- It takes four to five beers in one hour to get a man of 190 pounds to get drunk and about three to four beers in one hour for a woman of 160 pounds.
- The legal definition of drunkenness in the United States is that your blood alcohol content (BAC) has gone over 0.08 percent.
- Signs of drunkenness include sobriety, blissfulness, excitement, blurriness, and numbness.
- Factors that determine the number of beers to get drunk include beer alcohol content, weight, height, age, gender, alcohol tolerance, etc.
- BAC calculators and BAC charts can help you determine how many beers will get you drunk.
- While it is less likely to get drunk from one beer, some factors may affect this. Such factors include alcohol content, body weight, diet, medication, hydration, and genetic factors.
- It is more or less impossible to get drunk from non-alcoholic beers.
- Drinking may become dangerous when you binge drink or go into heavy drinking. Alcohol use disorder may also be harmful.
- Ensure you don’t drink on an empty stomach, stay hydrated while drinking, drink slowly, and remember your limits. These tips will help you remain on a reasonable BAC level.
Kindly remember that what we shared here are approximated values, and many factors affect how fast you feel the effects of alcohol. While enjoying your beer, always remember to drink responsibly.
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