How Many Trulys To Get Drunk
In this post, we’ll address the burning question: how many Trulys to get drunk? This article is tailored for individuals seeking to understand their alcohol tolerance and make responsible choices when enjoying Truly’s and similar beverages. We’ll provide insights to help you gauge your limits for a safer and more enjoyable experience.

It’s become an age-old question for passionate drinkers of Hard Seltzers, such as Truly’s and White Claw, and we’re going to unveil the mystery behind the famous drink and how many you should consume in this article.
Seen as the alcohol content is considerably low at around 5%, many would assume that drinking a few Truly’s isn’t going to get you tipsy, never mind drunk!
Generally speaking, one or two of these flavorful hard seltzers should be fine for most people to drink without feeling any drunken effects, but depending on many other factors, the amount a person can drink before getting drunk from Truly’s will vary from person to person and the food intake before consumption.
Let’s take a deep dive into what a Truly Hard Seltzer is and the determining factors for getting wasted from consuming these delightful summery drinks.
Factors Determining the Effects of Alcohol
The intensity and scale of the effects of alcohol vary greatly from person to person and are determined by several factors:
Body weight:
One of the key factors when taking into account how much a person can drink before they get hammered is their body weight. Typically, people with a higher body weight require more alcohol to feel its effects than those who weigh less.
It might not come as a surprise, but regular drinkers usually develop a certain level of tolerance against alcohol, meaning they need to consume more alcohol than irregular drinkers to reach a point of intoxication.
Similar to body weight, biologically, men have a higher alcohol tolerance than women because, in general, they weigh more.
Body fat:
People with lower body fat tend to be affected by alcohol more quickly. So, if you’re hitting the gym frequently and have a higher muscle-to-fat ratio, chances are you’re gonna feel the effects quicker!
Rate of consumption:
Moderate drinking allows your body the time to metabolize it efficiently, reducing the chances of getting drunk fast.
Drinking alcohol is a marathon, not a race! Unless you arrive at the bar 1 hour before closing…
Food intake:
Eat food prior to drinking alcohol and during the drinking session. Consuming alcohol on an empty stomach will result in getting drunk much quicker (nearly double) compared to consuming alcohol after a meal, which slows down alcohol absorption in the body.
So, how many Truly’s to get drunk?
Truly Seltzers contain 5% alcohol, and assuming one doesn’t drink them on an empty stomach and at a moderate pace, it would take between 4 to 6 cans for the average person to cross the line of being tipsy and reach a state of drunkenness. However, this estimation might vary based on the aforementioned factors.
Can I Get Drunk on One Can of Truly?
It is unlikely for anyone to get drunk on one can of Truly. Although everyone has a different alcohol tolerance, just one can pack a big punch. One can of a seltzer with an alcohol percentage of 5 will increase your blood alcohol concentration by 0.02 percent alone, which is not considered drunk.
However, if you are tired and drinking on an empty stomach, and you have a low tolerance for alcohol, you can get tipsy. If this is the case, it’s inadvisable to drive at this state.
Are Truly’s Hard Alcohol?
No, it’s not; the alcohol is pure and clean, and all cans are set at 5 percent regardless of the flavor. This is the same level as a standard White Claw can. Truly does not have any gluten or spirits, and the alcohol is obtained from fermenting cane sugar.
Truly is well-known for its sugar-loaded and fruity taste that makes you forget that you aren’t consuming alcohol. But this might make you drunk faster because the flavor is more inviting than beer or wine. It is also carbonated, allowing the alcohol to get into your bloodstream quicker.
Is Truly a Beer?
No, it’s not; Truly is not a beer but a hard seltzer and has become very popular among beer lovers. Hard seltzer is a beverage made with carbonated water, flavorings, and alcohol. It is known for having low carbs and calories, and so it is marketed toward health-conscious drinkers.
Truly and other seltzers can be a low-calorie alternative to beers, with refreshing, fruity, and delicious tastes. Their tastes are also sweeter than beer, but just because seltzers have colorful and fruity flavors doesn’t mean they don’t contain alcohol, so drinking too much of it can lead to abuse.
Does Truly Have More Alcohol Than Beer?
Yes, Truly has more alcohol than some beers, but most of the time, the alcohol in Truly is easily compared to most beers. Many beers have an alcohol rating of 5 percent, the same as Truly.
Beers usually contain alcohol content between 3 percent and 13 percent, with a significant number between 4 percent and 7 percent. So Truly has more alcohol than most light beers like Bud Light, which are usually between 3 percent and 5 percent.
Since the alcohol in Truly is obtained from all-natural cane sugar, one can say that it is more healthy than your standard can of beer.
Does Truly Have Vodka?
No, Truly does not have vodka. Truly is not a cocktail, so it does not have any vodka or other forms of liquor. Although most people think that seltzers are spiked because they can make you drunk, this isn’t the case.
The alcohol in Truly and similar hard seltzers are obtained from fermenting cane sugar. It is made in the same way as beer but without carbonation and flavors. Truly is made with different fruit flavors and is carbonated, giving you a fizzy taste.
With this process, Truly gives you as much alcohol as the average beer and does not need any vodka.
How Long Does It Take for a Hard Seltzer to Kick In?
It takes about 10 minutes after drinking for a hard seltzer like Truly to kick in. Keep in mind that Truly seltzers are carbonated, and this means that it works faster than the average non-carbonated beer.
The carbonation causes the seltzer to have higher absorption into the bloodstream from the stomach. It also makes Truly move faster from your stomach to the small intestine, where most of the alcohol is absorbed.
Due to this, you can get drunk quickly after two or more Trulys depending on how fast you are drinking, the water you have taken, and if you ate anything beforehand.
Does Hard Seltzer Give You a Hangover?
Yes, hard seltzer can give you a hangover. Although the hangover given by a seltzer is not as bad as wine, beer, or hard liquor, you will still feel the after-effects of alcohol consumption. Just because Truly is sweet and fizzy doesn’t mean it’s not an alcoholic drink — you will still feel headaches if you drink a lot.
It’s advisable to drink your Truly cans in moderation to prevent a hangover. Also, ensure you’re drinking water with your seltzer and not drinking on an empty stomach. Luckily, you won’t feel the nasty hangover that other alcoholic beverages give.
Are Trulys Healthy?
Yes, Trulys can be considered healthy, but most seltzers have the same nutritional info, which makes them all healthy. With a 12-oz can of Truly, you get 5 percent of alcohol, 100 calories, two grams of carbs, and one gram of sugar. These are lower-calorie options compared to the standard beers that we drink.

How Many Cans You Need To Drink To Get Drunk Based on Weight
The other factors that affect the number of Trulys you need to get drunk are how fast you consume the drink and your water composition. But for your blood alcohol content to get to 0.08 percent and more, you must have drunk between 4 to 7 cans of Trulys.
This depends mainly on your weight since lighter people would get drunk quicker than heavier people. Let’s see how many Trulys you need to drink to get drunk based on weights from 100 pounds to 180 pounds.
100 Pounds
A woman or man weighing 100 pounds will need 2-3 cans of Trulys to get drunk.
120 Pounds
After 2-3 cans of Trulys, a 120-pound woman is considered legally drunk, but a man will have to drink 3-4 cans before getting drunk.
140 Pounds
A woman weighing 140 pounds will need to drink 2-4 Trulys to get drunk, but it takes 3-5 cans for a man of the same weight.
160 Pounds
A 160-pound woman will be considered drunk after 3-5 cans of Truly, while a man will need to drink up to 6 cans.
180 Pounds
A man of 180 pounds will get drunk after 4-6 cans of Trulys, while a woman of the same weight will get drunk after 3-5.
Frequently Asked Questions
We have compiled some popular questions that beer drinkers and alcohol consumers usually have about how many Trulys they need to get drunk. Check them out below.
How long does It take for a Hard Seltzer to kick in?
It takes around 10 minutes for the alcohol to absorb into the bloodstream. And because Hard Seltzers like Truly are heavily carbonated, they work much faster than the average non-carbonated alcoholic beverage with a similar ABV.
Can you get a hangover from drinking hard seltzers?
Yes, consuming any type of alcohol can give you a hangover if you overindulge. However, the hangover effects are much worse when consuming higher-volume drinks, such as spirits, wine, and liquor, compared to beer and hard seltzers.
How many Truly’s will a beginner need to get drunk?
A non-experienced drinker will likely feel the effects of drinking Truly after 2 to 3 cans and will be drunk after 4 or more cans. However, this depends on the person’s weight, food consumption, and other aforementioned factors mentioned previously.
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Wrapping Up
If you’ve decided to dive into Trulys or wonder how many cans to take until you get drunk, we’ve answered all the possible questions in our guide. Here’s the rundown:
- It takes between 4 to 5 cans of Truly to be legally drunk and 5 to 7 cans for you to appear truly drunk.
- Every 12-oz can of Truly has 5 percent of alcohol.
- You can’t get drunk from one Truly but should begin to see effects from the second can.
- Truly is not a beer and can have more alcohol than some beers.
- The alcoholic effects of Truly can kick in after about ten minutes.
Remember that moderation is key when you’re drinking alcohol, and Truly completely qualifies as an alcoholic drink.
So the next time you’re drinking your can of Truly, don’t let the sweet taste confuse you!